Infinity Son by Adam Silvera

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“In a brawl after a protest, Emil manifests a power of his own — one that puts him right at the heart of the conflict and sets him up to be the heroic Spell Walker Brighton always wanted to be.” - from Goodreads

Siblings are annoying right? Well for Emil and Brighton that’s not the case. They have been super close since the end of time. Nothing and no one can change that. But what happens when Emil becomes the hero Brighton has always wanted to be? Will it change their relationship forever?

Emil is a normal 18 year old, his parents are normal, his brother is normal, he has a normal life or so he thought (who wants to be normal anyways?). Emil is a shy, kind person who likes to stay in everyone else’s shadows. He doesn't like to draw too much attention to himself. Everyday he goes about his business not worrying about being the hero and all he has to worry about is just being Emil (easier said than done.) But what happens when he finds out he has magical powers? What happens when he learns secrets about himself and his family that he never knew?

Brighton loves adventure, he hunts down danger like a dog sniffing out a bone. He always has his camera ready when ever he goes out just in case anything exciting happens (but you know nothing exciting happens when you want it to). Brighton wants to get the coolest video ever, so that people will notice it, so that they will notice him. But what happens when every one ignores him? When people don’t appropriate what he has to offer?

This enchanting story of self acceptance, self discovery, brother hood, romance, and adventure will suck you in and make you keep turning the pages. You will be transported into a universe, you will forget time, space and reality, and 6 hours will become 1 hour.

So pop some popcorn and get ready because this book will put a spell on you. It will come alive just like an action movie. You will feel the characters pain, happiness, sadness, anger, and love. This book will make you feel not just one but every single emotion that exists on this planet.

Don’t just stand there, start reading! You won’t regret it. Don’t worry your heart (probably) won’t get too crushed because…everyone who’s already read Adams books all know how it ends… with…nope you will just have to experience it for yourself.

“The strongest power above all is a living heart. Humanity is what makes heroes , not powers. The strongest power is humanity.” - Infinity Son


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