History Is All you Left Me by Adam Silvera


“When Griffin's first love and ex-boyfriend, Theo, dies in a drowning accident, his universe implodes. Even though Theo had moved to California for college and started seeing Jackson, Griffin never doubted Theo would come back to him when the time was right.” - Goodreads 

Griffin lives in New York and has two amazing friends Wade and Theo. Griffin falls in love with Theo during their senior year of high school. But when Theo goes away  to college at the start of summer, they drift apart and so does Wade. 

Griffin becomes  lonely and stays inside his room most of the time thinking of all the wonderful times he and Theo had together: doing puzzles, going on dates, even the small fights they had remind Griffin how Theo would always come back to him. 

Then one day Griffin finds out that something tragic has happened to Theo who will never come back to him. This causes  Griffin to go on a journey of self discovery  that leads him to find new love and happiness. 

His story  will take you on an emotional rollercoaster causing you to root for each of  the characters throughout the whole book  (even if they do something really stupid).  It's a true picture of  how someone deals with the grief of losing someone they love.  Each of the characters deals with it differently and on their own terms. Wade drifts apart from Griffin who is trapped  in his memories.  Jackson, Theo’s new love, tries  to move on,  but he also has trouble letting go of the past.

Griffin just wants a happy ending-no more no less (doesn't everyone?). But what happens if your happy ending can’t be what you wanted it to be? 

This is a wonderful story about how to find happiness even in the darkest of times...which is exactly what happens to Griffin.


Infinity Son by Adam Silvera